Welcome to Scuba.ie

This site is here to provide information on SCUBA Diving in (and around) Ireland.

We are building up a list of Dive Centres, Schools and Charters.

If you are a Dive Centre and are not listed, just send us your information, and we will then upload it to our site.

Site updated regularly, check back soon!

Need your cylinder tested? There's a list of places you can go, try the link on the left.

Hits since Summer 2005:

Report of our trip to Scapa Flow on June 2006!

Fill your tanks online! Download air/nitrox/trimix through your PC find out how here!

Last updated: 18th of Aug 2010

Click on this link to see information on the ONLY recompression chamber on the East coast if Ireland.

We use Divers Alert Network for all our diving Insurance,
click on the DAN Europe logo to visit the official site:

Click on the DAN Europe logo to visit the official site

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